The Ukraine Coup, Additional Confirmation
Writing the article “The Ukraine Coup and the American Trio Who Started It All” was not an easy task. It paints a picture of certain elements within and without official Washington who plotted to overthrow the government of a sovereign country. Something that goes against the values and morals that most of us believe America holds dear. It put the United States in a very poor light.
And yet, as each day passes, we receive additional confirmation that Washington has been using Ukraine as a proxy state to promote conflict with the Russian Federation. Over the weekend, the New York Times, generally considered the most pro-Ukraine War of all major news outlets, published a blockbuster article delineating just how far the United States, specifically the CIA, went to establish the infrastructure for War. And it all began with the 2014 Coup we discussed in our article.
You can find the Times Article here:
Unfortunately, the NY Times put their articles behind a paywall. So, for those who may not subscribe, ZeroHedge has done an excellent job summarizing that article and supplying additional information.
Please review both articles if you’re able.
What we’re dealing with here is nothing short of a total all-out war with the world’s two leading nuclear powers. It is something that should command our utmost attention.